This here is the recently new Hujoo-Pet-Fennec Fox- Penny :
It was release around October 2011, where I could not resist and hand to purchased one. Shipping didn't take too long once it shipped out, and it game in a brown box with orange flower print on it, and with the doll it was wrapped in a flower like pillow that was placed inside a cute small purse-like bag. I ordered the full face up, this doll is made out of resin, and with the face up it comes airbrushed for the fur tones, paw pads, mouth detailed, and eyes detailed, with eyes (mine were a radiant blue color). The only thing I dislike about the doll when useing eye puty which Hujoo did with the doll. It tends to rub off on the neck line when turning the head and will rub the body paint off. Then also my Fox did a weird head tilt thing which was cool looking but it exposed a small gap from the side where the head rests.

Gabriel seems to be fond of Penny too considering Penny runs around and plays tag in the woods with her.
Something tells me she telling secrets already.
Doll Was Purchased Here: Hujoo-Pet-Fennec Fox- Penny
Doll Can Also Be Purchased Here: JunkySpot-Hujoo-Hujoo Pet- Penny Fennec Fox