Hi peoples,
yeah I know It's been 2-3 months and still no where on updates. I do apologize amongst being in aww with all the different types of BJDs. I thought I would take the advice of other and look at several types and style of the dolls.
First Site I visited was Angel of Dream but still felt "why must the guys be my Idealistic Girl?" Thus my conflict began with trying to find a doll to my liking that "was my doll". My friends suggested to look at this fella's shop , renaissancefashion , on ebay cause that's where they got their doll that they have been modeling it on Tea Time Doll and at Deviantart.com . My interest was to get a doll similar in size tor clothes and item swapping in the future.
Then I fell in love with the,
Boy & Girl
1/3 ELF Dollfie/BJD Afra
Again faced with the fact that this doll is a boy, but the store owner said that he would remove the head and place it on a female body, how is awesome is that. This is the Afra doll I have been speaking of and in 2 paychecks if things go right will have